Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Pipe In Pipe

A PiP (pipe-in-pipe) is a pipe inserted inside another pipe. The created intermediate annulus can be used to place an insulation material usually known as dry insulation. Indeed this insulation material is protected by the outer pipe from the hydrostatic pressure and from water penetration. PiP generally allow reaching optimized thermal performance compared with wet insulated lines.

Over the past two decades, the pipe-in-pipe (PiP) product has become an essential part of the subsea field development engineer's "tool box." Due to its high insulation performance it minimizes heat losses from the transported fluid to the environment that more traditional subsea coatings cannot provide. This is achieved using thermal insulation of very low thermal conductivity, such as aerogel, encased in dry atmospheric conditions between the inner pipe or "flowline," which transports the fluid, and the outer pipe or "carrier," which provides the mechanical protection from the subsea environment.

Other benefits of the PiP solution include compatibility with high temperatures (in terms of material and enhanced compliance with large axial loading), stability on the seabed, and protection by the outer pipe against external loads. In some cases this may obviate the need for burial.

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