Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Pipeline Decommisioning

The method and standards employed in the decommissioning and abandonment of offshore oil and gas pipeline assets at the end of their useful life are determined by a framework of national legislation, international protocols and treaties, and corporate governance standards. The framework will impose legal obligations upon operators to ensure marine environments are protected.  Fines and penalties may be imposed if the asset owner fails to meet these requirements.
A regulatory, or any similar, body will not prescribe a detailed planning process. Nonetheless, the body will usually expect to approve details from an asset owner on how the decommissioned activities will be planned, executed, and monitored within the regulatory framework. Additional requirements from other stakeholders within an operating company and corporate governance standards will also impose obligations on the decommissioning project.
The decision to decommission a pipeline is often complicated by a long list of technical, business, and safety issues. For example, a pipeline may need to be completely removed from the seabed due to changes in legislation governing marine environments since installation. This may be potentially very costly and carry a high consequence of failure during execution, because the pipe spools may not be in satisfactory condition in order to be lifted from the seabed, e.g. due to internal corrosion. If a decommissioning activity is not thoroughly examined and planned, the consequences of failure may become apparent at a later, critical, phase of the decommissioning activity. Safer, more ‘traditional’, options may become less clear-cut during the planning and execution and result in simply ‘road blocking’ the project. Therefore, the need for the development of a clear and thorough decommissioning programme to guide, assist, adjudicate and support decision-making at critical junctures in the project development is crucial. This exercise will also help to determine a low risk, cost effective and technically feasible option for decommissioning each pipeline, taking into consideration the various technical, environmental, safety, and regulatory challenges that are often encountered whilst working on decommissioning projects. 

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